Young Japanese woman with a parasol crossing a wooden bridge over a stream surrounded by aquatic plants and flowers with a pagoda-shaped building in the background. Work with enamels on smooth transparent glass.
Stained glass young woman with parasol
(67 x 58 cm)
1 400,00 €
Largeur : 58 cm
Hauteur : 67 cm
Length : 58 cm
Height : 67 cm
Largeur : 58 cm
Hauteur : 67 cm
Length : 58 cm
Height : 67 cm
Art nouveau, début XXème (20ème)
Art nouveau, début XXème (20ème)
Réf :
Young Japanese woman with a parasol crossing a wooden bridge over a stream surrounded by aquatic plants and flowers with a pagoda-shaped building in the background. Work with enamels on smooth transparent glass.