Two-tone chess set, white and blood red, work from a Dieppe workshop at the end of the 19th century. Note the fairly high height of the pieces, pawn height 5cm, king height 10cm and a very pretty sculpture of the horses’ heads. In a walnut case with a flap for transport. Dimensions: open game L60cm D48cm H4cm closed game L30cm D48cm H4cm
Dieppe school chess game
2 200,00 €
Longueur : 60 cm
Largeur : 48 cm
Hauteur : 4 cm
Width : 60 cm
Length : 48 cm
Height : 4 cm
Longueur : 60 cm
Largeur : 48 cm
Hauteur : 4 cm
Width : 60 cm
Length : 48 cm
Height : 4 cm
Epoque XIXème (19ème)
Epoque XIXème (19ème)
Réf :
Two-tone chess set, white and blood red, work from a Dieppe workshop at the end of the 19th century. Note the fairly high height of the pieces, pawn height 5cm, king height 10cm and a very pretty sculpture of the horses’ heads. In a walnut case with a flap for transport. Dimensions: open game L60cm D48cm H4cm closed game L30cm D48cm H4cm